Keep calm. explore. live.

As I travel through life I often ask my self, where did the dinosaurs sleep?

Sleepy dinosaurs

How did dinosaurs sleep? Come to think of it, did they actually sleep at all?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sit amet fermentum magna. Curabitur dolor nisl, cursus vel auctor ut, mollis sit amet sem. Quisque maximus aliquam est, sed scelerisque ex gravida id. Fusce at dui fermentum, ornare lorem eu, ultricies enim. Praesent quis rhoncus tellus. Mauris sit amet hendrerit ante, in viverra libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque nibh sem, volutpat et purus ut, fringilla ultricies tortor. Aenean pharetra, quam eu maximus ultricies, arcu lacus facilisis nunc, vel pretium augue mi ut purus. Fusce quis risus enim. Morbi lacus sapien, pharetra eget libero quis, cursus varius eros. Donec dapibus metus eu erat gravida sollicitudin. Maecenas vitae mattis nulla. Nam iaculis ligula pharetra vestibulum egestas.

Sleepy monsters, or just monsters sleeping

It’s next to impossible to know how the dinosaurs slept. Though the body of paleontologic knowledge grows with each day, full skeletons are rare, and those that are razed are often in what’s referred to as the death pose.

Did they?

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How did they?

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When did they?

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All you get is this text and a mostly barebones HTML document.

Those bastards never slept!

For one thing, we don’t know much at all about how dinosaurs slept. Did Apatosaurus doze standing up or kneel down to rest? Did tyrannosaurs use their tiny, muscular arms to push themselves off the ground after a nap? And, given the discovery of so many enfluffled dinosaurs, did fuzzy dinosaurs ever cuddle up together to stay warm on chilly Mesozoic nights?.

So what did we learn?

Everything living on Earth today traces its ancestry to the few lucky survivors..

What is clear is that a massive die-off took place around 66 million years ago. It is visible in the layers of rock that mark the boundary between the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods. Fossils that were once abundant no longer appear in rocks after that time. Studies of fossils found (or not found) across the boundary between these two periods — abbreviated the K-Pg boundary — show that some three out of every four plant and animal species went extinct at about the same time. This included everything from the ferocious Tyrannosaurus rex to microscopic plankton.

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